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Me First and I don't Care!

When you are raised as a Christian you hear all the sayings, songs and scriptures about putting others first. And since I'm 2 seconds from 34 (July 27) I'm going to speak up and say, 'NO MORE!" Putting other's first has gotten me $400k in debt. Putting others first, I'm not finished with my Bachelors Degree. Putting others first, I have no personal earnings or savings. So no, I'm not putting anyone else first anymore. Not my boys, not my husband and definitely not the dog. Remember reading Proverbs 31- the Biblical Super Woman? She's managing, organizing, creating wealth. Want to know how she's able to do these things? You guess it-by putting herself first. She exercises, She has pride in her work, She has skill, She looks good and dresses well, she is wise....She isn't accomplishing all of this not eating until 1 in the afternoon, not exercising and letting her husband and children dictate and control her day. NO MORE!

Need more convincing? Here are some modern reasons you go first:

1. Your Health. Stress is a killer and so is unhealthy eating and lack of sleep. Whether you need 6 hours or 10, take care of your foundation. While you are sleeping the body is rebooting, and 'updating'. Ever seen how your PC acts when you've left it on for a few days? That's go shut down. You've already heard that all carbs are not know what's even worst? Not eating at all! That means your body has no source of energy. That's like trying to make your car run without gas. If the car has the good sense to tell you NO MORE, you can bet your body does too.

2. Busyness and being productive are two different things. They are as different as order and chaos. Stop being busy and plan your day, week, month, year, your life. If you don't plan you'll waste away and feel (and quite honestly be) unfulfilled. Planning is different than scheduling. That's why it's a different word. Planning is : "I will wash the dishes before bed." Scheduling is : "I will wash the dishes every evening at 8." Planning allows for flexibility. Only schedule your absolutes, such as, start time for work or for a client. The kids school or activities or that date with hubby you've been waiting 3 months to have. Dealing with the actions and reactions of others is stressful enough-you don't have to give yourself a list of stressors.

3. Be Happy or go crazy. It's that simple. If you don't love the way your life is set up CHANGE IT! Don't start with the things you can't change right now either. Don't follow the path of defeatism. Do what you can. Some of the changes I've made include cooking all the meats on Thursday for the following week. Then I only have to cook a fresh side and the veggies. I send the kids to bed at 9, which gives me 2 hours before the next feeding. On days my husband is home, I make the kids take a nap so we can have us time. These are small, yet meaningful changes that will give you more control over your life. So that yes, you can serve others.

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