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Surviving Trump

All in my timeline there are comments about the pain and anguish experienced by those who want a better world

for everyone. These are people who were hoping that America, would prove that we were indeed upwardly mobile in our thinkings on class and race. The results proved otherwise.

As with any major loss there will be boughts of depression. has a list of things you should allow as you deal with your grief and disappointment:

1. Express yourself. Talking with non-judgemental friends. Pay attention to your levels of sadness. If they intensify, seek a professional. It might be covered my your health insurance.

2. Allow yourself to feel sad. This is not the time to 'buck up." Grieve. The election loss is no different than losing a loved one. Why? Because unforseen changes will affect your life. We don't know the specifics, but the negative anticipation is real.

3. Keep your routine up. Don't change your regular activities. Remember, 'this too shall pass.'

4. Sleep. When we're dealing with high emotional stressors, our brains are working very hard. You may feel more tired. Allow yourself to get the extra sleep you need.

5. Healthy Eating. If you don't have healthy eating habits, this is a great time to begin. While you're at it. Also add exercise. Even a 30 minute walk in the neighborhood can help.

6. Avoid "numbing" the pain with alcohol and drugs. These are temporary solutions that do more harm than good in the long run.

7. Again. If you or anyone close to you notices that your sadness lingers or increases it may be time to seek professional help, from a counselor or religious leader.

In the mean time, download my free copy of Surviving Trump: Preparing for the next four years.

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