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Too Busy Ain't good!

There I've said it! Now I'm off to hide in shame. I think most moms, especially SAHM have felt exhausted at the end of the day and have no idea of what they actually accomplished. In a society that doesn't respect a woman that is simply a home maker, we try desperately to have proof that we are indeed getting tasks accomplished-to no avail!

I used to be organized. I used to have energy. I used to have time to get all my chores done, my school papers typed, sex my husband and have time for friends. Then I had children. Then my husband got sick. Then my husband and I decided to take the business to the next level. Suddenly, I have no time to exercise, have devotion, keep up with house chores, play with the children consistently, or sex the hubby...and I'm tired! How could I possibly be tired?

With baby boy #3 on the way, due December 6th, I've decided that something, yes everything has got to give. I'm not going to be a 'mommy martyr' anymore. Here are some of the things that have helped me get back on track.

1. Use multiple organizing systems. I know this may sound crazy but I have an organizing sysytem for the business, for school (finishing my B.A.), for homeschooling, for chores and for my personal things. I keep track of each to-do list and write out the results. There are mobile apps that also help with this, though for me, there's something about taking the time to sit and physically write it all down.

2. Schedule family activities once a month. We don't do them every month. Sometimes with running the business and health issues, we can't. Generally,we plan, one activity, usually free, for us to do as a family. This is practically a guarantee that we will take a break from work and pay attention to one another on a fun level.

3. Teach my husband to help out. My husband is an only child. As an only child he didn't have many chores. I've taken the time to teach him how to best help out at home and to pay attention to my stress triggers. I've often walked into the kitchen to find new groceries, or the living room freshly cleaned or the yard raked. He can also tell when I'm stressed and need a break. He'll ask how he can help, tell me to sit down and take a break or gather the children so I can have some quiet time.

4. Realize that I'm not super woman. This one was tuff for me, because even though I judge myself by my own standard, I really believe I was doing so much more at 16, 18, 21 and even 24. I should be able to volunteer, study, spend time with family and friends, stay up until 4a and turn around 3 hours later completely refreshed...this simply doesn't happen. I had to take the time to figure out why I wasn't SUPER any more. The 10 years ( I was able to date when I was 16), were filled exactly as they should have been. These family years are being filled exactly as they should be. I'm not being fair to myself, comparing the two. So I've stopped. Now that I've stopped comparing the two lifestyles, I can concentrate on being my best as a mother, wife and business partner.

5. Borrowing ideas from other people's wheels. We often tell ourselves and others "you don't need to reinvent the wheel", but how many of us try to solve problems all on our own without input from others? I look to Pinterest, The Organized housewife, google, and my Mother all for inspiration and help. Occasionally if I'm really stuck I'll ask my hubby, remembering that once I turn the project over to him with my concerns, it's no longer my project.

Well those are the top things I've done to help get sanity back. What have you done to better organize your life as a wife and mother?

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